"Nothing comes from doing nothing."
-William Shakespeare

Saint Simplicius
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Mikaël Mouradian, Eparch of the Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg
The Unsung Catholic Sisters Who Care for Abandoned Children, by Patti Maguire Armstrong at NCR
Casual Elegance in the Hamptons, by Kim at Desire to Inspire
International (Marxist) Women's Day, by Paul Kengor at American Spectator
Origins of the Filet-O-Fish: Created to Serve a Local Catholic Community, by John Lavenburg at Crux
Podcast: The Power of Structure in Family Management with Hannah Morgan, at Fairest Love
We Need a Revival of Highbrow Culture, by Kate Marland at The Conservateur
Whole Roast Chicken with Potatoes and Leeks, at The Modern Proper
What Is Required in the Face of Temptation and Trials, by Carl Olson at CWR
*Art Courtesy of The Met: Crucifixion, Anonymous, Italian Engraving, 16th century.